The Many Advantages of Using Liquid Paraffin with Liquid Fuel Cells

In restaurants or at special occasions, nothing can create an atmosphere like candlelight. No electrical device can duplicate the flickering warmth of flame, and many clubs, restaurants and wedding locations find candles to be indispensable. Unfortunately, candles also cause a big cleaning problem and a possible safety issue. Liquid paraffin used in conjunction with liquid fuel cells offer a safe, clean alternative.

Even the best of candles will drip on tablecloths and furniture. Removing the wax is difficult and may not be completely successful, resulting in permanent damage. With paraffin cells, the flammable material is contained in a jar and remains there until it is burned. Overturning the jar will not cause spillage.

When wax drips off a candle, it is cleaned up and thrown away. That fuel is wasted, so part of the price of the candle was for nothing. With paraffin cells, all the fuel is used and none of the cell’s value is wasted. Small savings like this can add up in an establishment that uses a lot of candles. 

If a candle is knocked over, the table linens can be aflame in seconds. With paraffin cells, this can never happen because they are made to automatically go out if tipped over. By the time the wick hits the tablecloth, the flame will already be out.

Paraffin cells are a money saver, a safety precaution and the answer to an annoying clean-up problem. With so many advantages, they are the smart choice for restaurants, clubs, weddings and any other candlelit location.


Ann Weaver

Date 7/4/2017

Sarah Carlson

Date 8/15/2017


Date 10/16/2017

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