The Candle Holiday Season

'Tis the season to be jolly, but 'tis also the season to be lighting many candles. Candles have been part of the holiday season for as long as the holidays have had a season, filling rooms with warmth, cheer and a festive ambiance you just can't get anywhere else. Before we get into all of the cool things you can do with candles during the Holidays, just a reminder to always use candles safely. The Holidays brings families together, and families mean children, which means lots of little feet running around and little hands grabbing at things. Always keep your candles out of their reach, and always extinguish candles when your Holiday revelry takes you out of the room.

Holiday Candle Placement

Choosing the perfect place for your Holiday candles is extremely important. You should always take several factors into consideration. Will you be using the candles for illumination or just atmosphere? As noted above, will there be any small children in the room? Which surface areas will people be putting plates of food, and which can be used for Holiday candles? Will I be using a single candle in that spot, or a multiple candle display? What type of candles should I use? Votives? pillar candles?

Specialty Candles or Design Your Own?

You'll find that most candle retailers have specialty candles specifically designed for the Holiday season available for purchase, but why would you let your creative side stop there? Candles are the perfect centerpiece for a table display, and by liberal use of ribbons, bells and traditional Christmas greenery, you can turn just about any candle into an artistic Holiday masterpiece. Touching back on safety, when adding other material elements to your candle display, make sure that the ribbons and other items stay far enough away from the flame to avoid nasty accidents.

The Time is Now!

As this blog is posted, there are just under two months before Christmas, which means that now is the perfect time to begin planning your Holiday candle creations. Make sure you have plenty of your favorite candle styles on hand in all of the traditional Christmas colors of red, green, white and metallic, and you'll always have everything you need to create the perfect Holiday attitude for yourself, your family and friends.

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