Pillar candle are very versatile. These candles can be lit once a year in memoriam of a loved one’s passing, at a wedding ceremony to symbolized the unity of two that’s join together at one, to decorate table centerpiece or just display around the home as an accent . The holiday season is approaching and there is nothing out there that create a holiday feel like a pillar candle. The possibilities of decorating with pillar candles are truly endless!
At Millennium Candles pillar candles are sold in bulk and design to provide a mood of soft candlelight glow to any decor. Our Pillar Candles are drip-free and smoke-free made design to do wonders for any room or space that they are put them in. They are wonderful outside or inside. If you do not want the bright light that bulbs give off, an a ray of pillar candles are your next choice illuminate the room. With pillar candles are great when you first light them but they really shine when they have been burning for a while. The inner glow that they provide really adds life to any relaxing environment that you are trying to create. The glow and feel is like no other and is special to these types of candles. Lets check out some of the options you can get with these candles.
First off these candles are fairly basic. They have a basic wick and are made ofquality paraffin wax. They do come in every shade and color that you can think of. This is a great feature when you are trying to add some home décor elements to your home. You have so many options and color palettes that you can match them with any part of your home décor that you want to accentuate. The average pillar candle comes in a range of sizes from 2" X 3", 2"X3", 2"X 6" 2" X12" to 3"X 3", 3" x4.5", 3"X6",3X9", 3" X12" to 24”. The different sizes , color and finish is endless. When designing will pillar candle you may want to have some variation and size .
If you are decorating with pillar candles for the first time you might not know or have thought about all the uses that pillar candles have. Our number one buyers are wedding planners and restaurant owners. They claim that pillar candles gives the perfect glow and illumination.
Our track record also showed that pillar candles are used a lot around the holiday. Our biggest on pillar candles are around Christmas time and specifically from November all the way through January. The holiday season really makes people want to take advantage of the glow that these unscented candles provide.
Birthdays and anniversaries come in next at the most used times for pillar candles. You can really take advantage of pillar candles. Hopefully you will give them a shot and take advantage of the benefits that they provide you with. Atmosphere, comfort, relaxation, life and personality really can be achieved when you utilize pillar candles in your relaxing environment. Similar to taper and votives they can do wonders for your home decor as well.
Decorating Tips for Using Pillar Candle
Tip #1: Utilize different shapes and sizes of pillar candles to add some variation to your relaxing environment.
Tip #2: Larger candles will last longer and give you more distributed burn and glow affect for your home.
Tip #3: Use technology and a variation of shapes to customize pillar candles to your home décor .
Tip #4: Use these candles for any event that you may have going on. These candles will go with almost anything and any time of the year.
 Tip#5: Match your pillar candles with a larger object like a table centerpiece to create a relaxing environment.

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