Amy Davis
This is such good information! I'm so happy I stumbled upon this article. Good read ! Thanks for sharing
Jennifer Barnes
Every time I go into a new church, I light a candle for my parents, It’s my custom and a way of remembering them and acknowledging them.
Beverly Woodbridge
Lighting votive candles and vigil lights is a strong tradition in the Church that began at least 1,800 years ago, when lights were burned in the catacombs at the tomb of martyrs as a sign of unity with them. The lights kept “vigil”; hence they were named “vigil lights.”
Paul Wellington
We don’t light candles because God is going to be able to see and hear our prayer better, but because we need something visual to connect our body and our soul, he said. Even the Mass has this soul-body engagement when, for instance, we make the Sign of the Cross or kneel down.
B Melendez
Growing up I was taught that, By lighting the candle our prayer is physically represented, and we join our prayers to the light of Christ, explained Father Alar, allowing that light to burn on and on in our souls, even when we have left the church.